Saints for All Occasions

Saints for All Occasions tells the story of two sisters who left Ireland for more opportunity in the New World. J. Courtney Sullivan isn’t afraid to show the ugly side of being seen as proper and what people will do to protect themselves from public scorn, Nora and Theresa felt obligations to one another that built resentment and separation. The Catholic church and their belief about illegitimate children changed both sisters’ lives.

Nora remained in Boston, married, and raised a family. Theresa cut ties, moved to NYC and eventually became a nun. All affected by a youthful “mistake”.

Sullivan gets into families and rips them apart so we can see it for what they are. Everyone trying to right by others, but the secrecy can do nothing but bring pain.

Read August 2018

Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban

The 3rd book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban tells the continuing story of Harry, Ron, and Hermione and Hogwarts. I read this aloud to my kids over the last year and they both and myself loved it!! Lots of wizarding twists and turns in what everyone thinks they know about Harry’s parents’ death.

A little scarier with the Dementors, but well written and enjoyable!

Read August 2018

Starry River of the Sky

Grace Lin’s Starry River of the Sky incorporates many Chinese myths into the story of a young boy traveling on his own. Through stories we learn about how the mountain was moved, the Magistrate tricked the emperor, the many suns were shot out of the sky, and how sun and the moon love one another.

I listened to this on CD in the car while traveling with my kids. They loved it, I loved it, and we were bummed when it was over. There were so many myths that I’ve never heard of interspersed in this novel that I felt I was also learning a little about Chinese culture.

Great listen!

Read July 2018.


Jorn Lier Horst’s Dregs finds Police Inspector William Wisting investigating left feet that wash up on the shores. Several people went missing months ago, some connected to each other, some not, and Wisting needs to find the connections.

The story behind the murders is decades old and shows the patience and treachery people can be capable of.

Slow read.

Read July 2018